Improve your ink and wash sketches and say more with less


Create more depth and focus in your urban sketches by learning how to limit the amount of ink drawing you do and get more out of your watercolour.

Does this sound like you?

“I never know when to stop drawing in ink and typically draw too much detail”

“My sketches look flat”

“I don’t know what to draw in ink and what details to paint”

“I don’t know how to handle background areas, especially when doing landscapes”


Edges has been designed to address these common struggles



Why learn Edges?

The secret to creating compelling ink and wash sketches is to have a good understanding of edges – to understand whether the edges of your subject represent a change in plane or a change in colour and whether they are hard or soft, strong or weak.

Once you can see edges in this way, the fun part of creating art starts! It’s all about interpreting what you see and making decisions about how you will record that in line or colour. These decisions are totally dependent on what aspect of your subject you respond to the most – the unique story you are trying to tell through your art.

The Edges course will help you do this!

In the Edges course you will learn how to make your ink and wash sketches:

– have a stronger focus so that the eye is drawn to the important part
– create a greater sense of depth
– be able to say more with less

You’ll be part of an inspiring community of sketchers from around the world who will share their unique styles. You’ll never lack inspiration!

You can use these techniques for any subject matter, for a variety of different sketching styles and any level of experience. You don’t need to be producing ‘masterpiece’ sketches to improve your edges!

Who is the course for?
Edges is suitable for people with some experience sketching in ink and wash
When sketching in ink and wash it's easy to draw too much detail in ink. In this course, you'll learn how to limit your ink drawing and get more out of your watercolour washes
When sketching complex scenes it's important to vary your edges of lines and shapes in order to create focus and depth - this is a big theme of Edges.
In the Edges course, you'll learn lots of different ways for creating more lively ink and wash sketches - using different line weights and colours and exploring lost and found edges
Edges is a concept-based course so it's suitable for any way of working – whether carefully and deliberately or faster and looser. Please check out Foundations if you want general drawing instruction and Watercolour for developing essential painting skills
How will the course work?

Start today and work at your own pace

  • All lessons are available when you purchase the course so you can work through the lessons at your own pace
  • Share your work and interact with other students inside the custom-designed classroom galleries and forum
  • Ask Liz questions related to the course in the dedicated question section for each lesson.

Work through the course with a group

  • Each year Liz hosts a number of Group Self-paced or Live Versions for selected courses.
  • A Group Self-paced Version allows you to work through the lessons as a group with weekly emails to prompt you to move onto the next lesson.
  • A Live Version will include bonus live teaching sessions with Liz  (private YouTube Livestreams) as you work through the lessons with a group.
  • If you’ve purchased the course at any time you can join these group events for free. See FAQ below for more details
Ready to start creating lively ink and wash sketches?
How you'll learn
Custom-designed classroom
Interactive Livestreams
How you'll learn
  • over 20 hours of step-by-step video lessons, each lesson building on the previous, so you can make steady progress in a systematic way
  • theory sections that clearly explain the essential concepts so that you can apply them to your own style and way of working
  • downloadable PDF handout so you can quickly review the key elements of each lesson when you need it
  • specific assignments designed so that you really understand and know how to use the concepts from the lesson – these can be done from the comfort of home, from photos, or out on location
  • multiple examples from Liz’s sketchbooks explaining how to use the concepts
  • bonus material showing how to apply the concepts in more intermediate ways so that you can continue to improve your sketch every time you go through the course.
Custom-designed classroom
  • specially designed private classroom with dedicated assignment galleries and forum so that you can connect with and be inspired by other sketchers from around the world who are working alongside you
  • ability to ask Liz questions about the lessons you are working through so you can get help when you need it
  • livestreams during Live Versions – which will include reviews of student’s work, mini demos, bonus material and a chance to have your questions answered in real-time
  • full transcripts for all video lessons so you can easily follow along
  • lifetime access to all course content and any future Group Events and bonus material so you can continue to learn as your skills grow
Interactive Livestreams
  • A very special part of SketchingNow courses is the interactive livestreams that are hosted during Live Versions. These live Q&A sessions include a review of work posted in the classroom, additional demos and a chance to get all your sketching questions answered in real-time!
  • Live Versions only occur once every 1-2 years however replays of previous livestreams are available inside the classroom.


"Thank you Liz for such an excellent course – this has stretched me way beyond what I thought I could achieve!

I have learnt to see shadow shapes and to manipulate colour, tone and hue, achieving the focus and effect I want, without getting hung up about the realism of the sketch.

I also started working in a looser way, not being afraid to try different tools and techniques in one sketch."

“In Edges I’ve learned wonderful ways to create depth and focus and I loved learning how to look for potential lost & found edges and incorporate them into my sketches. FUN!

This course has taught me many important ways to make my sketches read better, as well as some great tricks to simplify a sketch while improving its impact.“

"This is such a great course with so many useful concepts!

I love how lost edges create a more lively and interesting image.

I’m looking forward to revisiting all of the lessons and practicing the concepts more. I appreciate that your courses really make me think."

“I’ve learned a whole new way of seeing and learning how and when to use what tools to sketch what I want, to say what I want.

This is my second Sketching Now class, and I’m already looking forward to more. It’s been fabulous learning from and sharing with a wonderful community of artists.“

Course Outline
Introduction: Thinking about Edges
- Types of edges
- Profiles of edges
- Factors that affect edges
Part 1:Seeing Edges - Plane vs Colour
2 weeks
- Distinguishing between edges that are changes in planes or changes in colour - or both!
- Working in an ordered way with changes in planes to achieve a sense of depth.

Each week contains:
Indoor Demo
Outdoor Demo
Gallery (examples from Liz's sketchbooks)
Questions, Feedback and Takeaways
Bonus Material
Livestream replays from previous Live Versions
Part 2: Seeing Edges - Hard vs Soft
2 weeks
– Understanding the difference between hard and soft, strong and weak edges
– Creating these edges with our materials
– Combining our materials (especially ink and wash) for even more options

Each week contains:
Indoor Demo
Outdoor Demo
Gallery (examples from Liz's sketchbooks)
Questions, Feedback and Takeaways
Bonus Material
Livestream replays from previous Live Versions
Part 3: Prioritising Edges - Line
3 weeks
– Setting out lines
– Varying lines
– Losing and minimising lines

Each week contains:
Indoor Demo
Outdoor Demo
Gallery (examples from Liz's sketchbooks)
Questions, Feedback and Takeaways
Bonus Material
Livestream replays from previous Live Versions
Part 4: Prioritising Edges - Tone
2 weeks
– Creating a focus with hard and strong edges
– Creating focus-related depth with soft and weak edges
– Meeting the viewer halfway with lost and found edges

Each week contains:
Indoor Demo
Outdoor Demo
Gallery (examples from Liz's sketchbooks)
Questions, Feedback and Takeaways
Bonus Material
Livestream replays from previous Live Versions



SketchingNow courses have been designed to build on each other so you will see the most progress in your own sketching by working through them in a logical order.

Buy Edges as a standalone course or buy the Urban Sketching bundle and save!

In Edges
  • Improve your ink and wash sketches and say more with less!
  • Develop a strategy for knowing when to stop drawing
  • Create sketches with more depth by varying the edges of your drawing and painting
  • Apply these techniques to all kinds of subjects - urban scenes, landscapes, and objects at home
  • Experiment with different ways of combining line and colour to create lively sketches
$ 199 USD
Urban Sketching Bundle
In Edges
  • Improve your ink and wash sketches and say more with less!
  • Develop a strategy for knowing when to stop drawing
  • Create sketches with more depth by varying the edges of your drawing and painting
  • Apply these techniques to all kinds of subjects - urban scenes, landscapes, and objects at home
  • Experiment with different ways of combining line and colour to create lively sketches
In Buildings
  • Learn to see buildings in terms of volumes, that will make them much easier to sketch
  • Use a value-based way of applying colour to make your building sketches lively
In Watercolour On Location
  • Learn to simplify and interpret complex scenes when sketching on location
  • Develop a habit of assessing the values of a scene before starting
$ 697 USD $ 557 USD

Money back guarantee

We offer a money 30-day back guarantee for SketchingNow courses. If you are unhappy with the course for any reason, let us know and we will refund your payment within the first 30 days of the course.

Frequently Asked Questions
What materials do I need for Edges?
The lesson demonstrations will use a range of materials – mostly ink and watercolour with some watercolour pencils – but it is more important to use what you are familiar with. There will be no need to go and spend a lot of money upfront getting any of my art tools!
Download PDF File: Edges Materials List
Is the course live or pre-recorded?
The course contains over 15 hours of pre-recorded videos which can be watched at any time.

During a Live Version (which only happens every 12-24 months) there are some bonus livestreams. Replays of previous livestreams are available in the classoom.
Can I work through the course at my own pace?
Yes! All SketchingNow courses are available as self-paced courses at all times. All you have to do is signup and you can start working through the lessons straight away!

- You have full access to all lessons on enrollment within the custom-built SketchingNow classroom.
- You can interact with fellow students inside the classroom, comment on each other’s work in the homework galleries and discuss all kinds of art topics within the forum.
- You can ask Liz questions related to the course in the dedicated question section for each lesson.
- If you want some accountability in working through the lessons, you can sign up to receive weekly lesson reminder emails. Each week you will receive a new email to prompt you to move on to the next part of the course.
- You have full access to all lessons at the time of enrollment and free access to all future Group Self-paced and Live Versions for that course.
What is a Group Self-paced version of Edges?
Group Self-Paced Versions occur within specific courses each year. There is no extra charge to participate.

- From time to time Liz will suggest a specific course to work through as a group.
- She will suggest a start date and a schedule for going through the course. You'll get the benefit of working through the exercises together and getting lots of helpful and supportive comments from the group.
- You can ask Liz questions related to the course in the dedicated question section for each lesson.
- If you have enrolled for the specific course previously, you can join a Group Self-paced version of that course for free.
What is a Live Version?
Live Versions are special events that occur within specific courses each year. There is no extra charge to participate.

- Every year Liz chooses a few SketchingNow courses to go through with a group. Together we work through the lessons and keep each other motivated and inspired!
- You will get the benefit of working through the exercises together and getting lots of helpful and supportive comments from the group.
- Each week you'll be prompted to move on to the next section of the course and participate in bonus live streams where you can ask questions, see reviews of selected work from the classroom and hang out with the group.
- Every livestream will have unique discussions and demonstrations related to the current lesson and there will be lots of opportunities to ask Liz questions in real-time.
- Livestreams will be held at alternating time slots to accommodate people in all time zones and replays will be available in the classroom after the event.
- Liz will be in the classroom regularly looking at the work uploaded and answering questions.
- If you have enrolled for the specific course previously, you can join any Live Version of that course for free
- If you get behind during the Live version, you can finish off the lessons at any time.
Do I need to have any special social media accounts?
Everything you need to access the lessons, post homework and interact with others is contained within the SketchingNow classroom.

The only exception are the Livestreams (during Live Versions) which will occur on Youtube. A YouTube account is needed to interact with the live chat but without it you can still watch the livestream and send your questions via email. Replays will be available.
Will Edges help me develop my own style?
It’s really important to have confidence in your own personal expression and acceptance of your own mark-making. But it’s hard to develop these if all you do is follow demo-based art classes.

Edges is a concept-based course designed to help you really develop your ink and wash and at the same time develop your own style and preferences. Once you become more comfortable with your own preferences and style the whole creative journey will become so much more fun!

Edges is an intermediate course focusing on improving your ink and wash (and direct watercolour) sketches


Please check out:

Foundations for general drawing instruction

Watercolour for essential painting skills