Watercolour On Location Livestreams


Please note that when watching a livestream replay you can turn on the automatic closed captioning and even follow along in another language. However, the captions have not yet been edited by us, so they will contain errors but we are working on improving this!  Click HERE  to watch a short YouTube Video on how to turn on closed captions. At this stage we do not have closed captions available for when the video is streaming live – only for the replay. You may need to wait an hour after the live stream for the closed caption option to appear on the replay.

These livestreams will be hosted in YouTube and a link to each livestream will be added above a few days before. This link will provide access the livestream at the specified time.

A 24 hour reminder will be sent via email to everyone who has signed up for the Lesson Reminders.


To be able to interact with the chat you will need to be logged into a YouTube account. Note: You can still watch the livestream without logging in. Refer to the PS. below for more tips.

Replay will be available

If you can’t make it, there will be a recording available in the bonus section for the current lesson – the link above will take you to the recording on YouTube.


A few tips for viewing livestreams on YouTube:

1. If you have not used YouTube before you may wish to click the link 10 mins early just to make sure you can connect to the platform okay.
2. if you have any connection issues you may need to refresh your browser (small circle with arrow in or next to your browser bar).
3. if you get an error with the link, try copy and pasting it from the email into your web browser.

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