Buildings (Self-Directed) – Preview 2

Do you need to do Foundations or Edges before Buildings?


Buildings has been designed as a masterclass that applies the SketchingNow Foundations concepts in a detailed way to the complex subject matter of architecture.




I have very specific ways of working in mind when I refer to Feeling Edges, Abstracting Shapes and Constructing Volumes. It’s therefore recommended that everyone doing Buildings has done the exercises from Foundations so that we can get straight into the nitty gritty of sketching buildings. In particular it is important to be able to see and sketch with shapes (something that a lot of self-taught sketchers haven’t necessarily done much of) and to be able to sight measure so that you can fit your sketches on the page.


To help people decide whether they need to do Foundations, I have an article about each lesson on my blog under the Foundations Friday series.

SketchingNow Edges contains a few helpful techniques which will definitely help you doing Buildings. These include:
•    distinguishing between edges that represent changes in plane and those that represent changes in colour
•    the ability to see and sketch shadow shapes.



So Edges is also recommended prior to starting Buildings as it will give you a head start on some of the specific techniques for sketching architecture. More about Edges here


I hope this helps – but please email me if you have any further questions. (just use the contact form above

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I will be sending out free lessons and a special earlybird price to everyone on the Buildings Waiting List – if you are not already on it, please sign up here so you don’t miss out on anything.

Catch up on previous SketchingNow Buildings previews
How is Buildings the online course different from my book: 5 minute sketching architecture?

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